In the event that you've ever had a website hosting account before or you have dealt with any kind of online service, you're probably well aware from personal experience that for many things it's better to speak with a live person on the phone instead of exchange tickets or email messages. If you want to find out more about a service before you decide to order it or when something small has to be done, for instance, it'll be much easier and a lot faster to get it done real-time. When you're able to talk with representatives over the phone, it is very likely that you are working with an actual website hosting provider, not just a reseller. The type of support that you'll get on the phone may differ between different companies - from general issues to expert technical support. Usually the majority of providers will offer you pre-sales assistance and first level telephone support, while more complex technical matters are resolved through electronic mail or tickets.
Phone Support in Website Hosting
In case you decide to obtain one of our website hosting, you will be able to get in touch with our customer support team over the telephone for 14 hours per day. We will assist you in choosing the best plan for your websites because we realize that it's better to discuss such matters with a live person. If you already own an account, we're able to help you with any sales/billing questions and general issues, even with some technical problems which do not require a lot of time or escalation to an administrator because it'll be more appropriate to open a ticket for time-consuming troubles and have all the correspondence in one place. We now have phone numbers in the US, Great Britain and Australia, so you can call the one you prefer and talk to one of our agents.
Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
The support services forall semi-dedicated server plans that we offer include live phone support for 14 hours daily. In case you wonder which plan will be appropriate for your websites, you want to find out more about the package's specs or you need any other type of info on our services, you are able to call any of the local numbers that we have in the U.S.A., the UK and Australia and our customer support representatives will help you. If you currently have an account, you'll be able to get in touch with us about sales and general issues, although we're often able to assist with a lot of technical issues as well. For strictly technical issues you need to employ our built-in ticketing system where the communication between you and our technical support crew will be in one place, which is the best option in case the problem requires extra time to be dealt with or it has to be escalated to our system administrators.